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If we could manipulate the weather, humanity would shift from passive to active in the topic of climate change.

What is weather adaptation?

We call the technology and development systems for manipulating weather to reduce climate disasters and losses "weather adaptation".

Weather Will Become a Resource

Weather is a resource, and weather adaptation is the tool. The market will be as wide as the sky is.

Weather Predictability

Weather forecasting, combined with weather adaptation, puts current weather changes within our grasp.

Reducing Weather Disasters

The in-depth technology of this field has wide-ranging applications and can reduce various natural disasters, such as heavy rain and floods.

Climate is Long-Term Balancing, and weather is Short-Term Changing

We adapt weather, not climate

The term 'weather adaptation' means 'adjusting to suitability.' 'Suitability' at the moment meets situational needs. The state of weather changes is adjusted to the appropriate target time and state through a series of methods and steps in order to successfully achieve the specified expected goal. It can be divided into three levels.

The aspects that weather adaptation can influence and reduce can lessen losses of more than $10 billion. The following are examples of application areas


Flood Damage

(Accurate rainfall, reducing disasters)
Prevent and Warn Against

Forest Wildfires

(Assess and adapt based on air moisture)
Accurate Rainfall Technology

Water Resource Allocation

Reactivating water resources
Weather and Water Resource Stability

Agricultural Stability

(Stabilizing commodity prices & economy)
How Is the World Preparing to Face This Technology?

Equip your country and businesses with weather adaptation resources and environments.

Business Values

From warning to adaptation—
a brand new commercial market.

National Defense Applications

Short-term, local high-precision weather adaptation applications.

International Relations

Establishing a cross-border weather communication framework.

Risk Management

Early warning technology, mitigating and preventing risks—minimize weather risks.

Reducing the weather risk

The Difference Between Manipulating Weather
and Adapting Weather

Use 'weather adaptation' to achieve 'prevention' and 'reduction' of weather disasters, thereby achieving the goals of mitigation and adaptation to 'climate change.'

Climate change and environmental degradation increase the urgency for the development of small- to medium-scale weather adaptation technologies to reduce disasters.

Recommendations and Executive Summary from the United Nations World Meteorological Organization (WMO)

In the Executive Summary of the WMO-No1032 Statement on Weather Modification adopted by the Executive Council of the World Meteorological Organization from June 18 to 27, 2008, it was mentioned that research in the field of weather modification is encouraged. At the same time, the WMO is also willing to provide advice and guidance on related practices. *United Nations World Meteorological Organization Executive Council WMO-No1032 meeting materials.

AI, Accelerating the Development of Weather Adaptation

The Use of AI
in weather adaptation

Use 'weather adaptation' to achieve 'prevention' and 'reduction' of weather disasters, thereby achieving the goals of mitigation and adaptation to 'climate change.'


Weather adaptation technology can compensate for the lack of micro-scale accuracy in weather forecasts.

How Does Weather Adaptation Apply to the World?
compensate for the lack of micro-scale accuracy in weather forecasts

Weather adaptation technology can compensate for the lack of micro-scale accuracy in weather forecasts. In the future, if this technology begins to be implemented, our weather forecasts will become: "It is estimated that extreme rainfall will occur in New York this afternoon, so we will carry out weather adaptation in advance. The goal is to convert catastrophic rainfall into normal rainfall conditions. The hourly rainfall will be revised from 50-100mm to 20mm-50mm. The estimated rainfall time in this area is from 1 pm to 4 pm, about 3 hours. The probability of achievement is 95%. Please prepare for the rain.“

A similar scenario is expected to become a reality in the future.

The First Book in the Field of Weather Adaptation

Weather Pathway

Part of the content of this official website comes from this book.
A new future and area to explore.
Detailed information is in the book.


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