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Establishing Standards for Weather Adaptation Technology Development

The development of weather adaptation technology should not be dictated by a single technology or dominated by a single nation. Instead, it should be driven by the collaboration of numerous private and independent groups, each developing smaller-scale weather adaptation technologies with their own specializations, to address specific niche needs. Below are the implementation categories and explanations under the development framework.


Experimental Sandbox for Weather Adaptation

The development of weather adaptation technology and closed-system laboratory experiments should complement each other. Establishing an experimental sandbox environment for weather adaptation is crucial.


Weather Risk Management: Adaptation Early Warning

Similar to weather forecasting and typhoon warnings, a series of early warning mechanisms should be designed for different scales of weather adaptation. This is necessary because, unlike a single product, weather adaptation involves technical services that can have varying degrees of impact on a region. If any consequential disasters occur during the adaptation process, there will be issues related to clarifying risk responsibility.

National or Team Execution Capabilities for Adaptation

Weather Adaptation Methods

天氣調適 觀測方法

Unpredictable Aspects

類別 說明
第一類 從發展面著手,防堵同時,各國全面投入發展,由衝突磨合出秩序。
第二類 原則類的防堵。建立單國、獲多國之公約。
第三類 各國建立起天氣調適法案。在規範條件内進行有限度的應用。
第四類 軍事方面的技術用途。同時發展可預警或檢測、反制之天氣調適技術的應用型武器。




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